Somatic Sleepover

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The ULTIMATE slumber party. Just because we are grown ups now doesn’t mean we don’t get to have fun anymore. In fact, we should be having more fun because now we can drive and have our own money to spend! And, I have boobs now which 13 year old me would assume makes everything better.

Who: You + your inner child

What: A night of nostalgia, crafts, pizza, movie watching, and indulging in community.

When: November 11th at 5 pm- 12th at 10:00 am. (Sleeping over is optional- I trust you to know what you will be most comfortable with!)

Where: near Gladstone, MO (specific address will be emailed to you once you register for the event!)

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This night will reconnect you with the essence of what makes you YOU. We will be connecting to one of our greatest internal resources- our child and teen selves. These parts of us are strongly connected to what brings us joy, what makes us laugh so hard we can’t breathe, and what inspires the crap out of us. They are also very in tune with what pisses us off, is not okay, and needs to change. All of this information gets muted in our adult lives- turned down so we can meet the demands of work, bills, and relationships. But it is still within us, we still have that aliveness we can access. I have designed the night to build our capacity to experience the aliveness of childhood. As I’m sure many of you remember being fully alive to joy, curiosity, and play also means being fully alive to grief, disappointment, and heartbreak. It is important that we show up as our adult selves who now have autonomy, have resources to support ourselves, and have community to lean on to reassure our younger selves and say- I got you to our inner teen and child.

You only need to bring yourself, and anything you need to feel comfortable spending the night. I am providing everything else. This is an event that you don’t need to think about or prep for. You get to show up and receive the care you so freely give to others. I want to pamper you with a curated gift, yummy snacks and pizza, and a space to just be yourself and reconnect to the magic that seems to have gotten lost from childhood.

$199 includes:

  • Welcome gift customized specifically for you. I want the contents to be a little bit of a surprise, but I will tell you that it includes a sweatshirt dyed by Apparel To Dye For exclusively for this event, a custom embroidered item, a keepsake to put out in your home or office after the event, and a journal to decorate.

  • Crafts! We will be making friendship bracelets and decorating notebooks with 90’s and y2k themed stickers. There will also be glitter gel pens for writing in our new journals.

  • All food and drinks! For dinner we will be having pizza, and then we will be snacking on nostalgic snacks for the rest of the night. A cereal bar with non dairy and dairy milk will be provided for breakfast.

  • Movie rental- we will be watching 13 going on 30 (with popcorn + snacks, obviously)

  • Besties home to sleepover at- There are two king sized beds, two twin sized beds, two air mattresses, and two couches available for anyone who would like to spend the night. This part is of course optional and you can decide the night of if you want to stay or go.

  • Doggies for cuddling! Pip and Margo will be available for cuddles, kisses, belly rubs, and to eat any snacks you drop on the floor. Pip loves everyone and isn’t afraid of anything. Margo is more skeptical but her love can be bought with food. Pip does have a loud bark, but that just means she will keep us all safe and be our guard dog for the night.

  • A group of new friends who are also trying to live an embodied life in a disembodied world. Every person has their own struggles, but in my work I’ve noticed there are common themes that we all experience to some degree on our journey of coming home to ourselves.

  • Hannah to hold space for you and the group.

What inspired this event?

The idea for a somatic sleepover came from wanting to spend more time with the somatic journaling participants. Building that kind of connection filled me with energy and made me want to do more events that were about connection and just having fun. So much of “healing” work is heavy, focused on the past, and lonely. Somatic journaling made me realize that in order to do the hard things (set boundaries, leave relationships, say no) we need to know what joy, support, connection, and care feel like. We need to know what “better” feels like so we have the courage to make the jump into the unknown. Humans are wired to be in connection, and I want a space to be in connection with other humans who are willing to show up the way I do- authentically, with curiosity, and with generosity. As a giving person, I need to be around other giving people. Somatic journaling gave me that experience and I want you all to experience it too.

Hannah’s healing philosophy and qualifications:

I see healing as a life long journey. Healing can be many things, but to me it is the practice of staying true to our unique desires, values, dreams, and inner knowing. It’s living in alignment with what you know to be true, even when everyone is telling you, you are wrong.

The start of my personal healing journey (which felt more like a come to Jesus moment with my mental health) began after my junior year at Kansas State University. Third year is the hardest year of architecture school and it wrecked me. Emotionally, physically, spiritually. I had crumbs left of myself. I remember crying literally every day. One night my printer wouldn’t print an assignment I had finished and I sobbed on the floor because I just couldn’t handle any additional stress. At all. They forgot my sauce with my chicken nuggets? Break down. Got a B on a project instead of an A? breakdown. Someone honked at me on the road? Breakdown. It was rough. Finally, my mom suggested I go to therapy. I was very fortunate that she is a therapist and knew a provider in Manhattan, KS that she thought I would like (and was becoming an SEP- this is important because cognitive therapies don’t seem to work as well for people who intellectualize their feelings- and I over think everything) I remember my first session with Naomi. I told her everything I could possibly think of that was wrong and had gone wrong in my life so she could fix me as quickly as possible. I talked for almost the entire hour without taking a single breath.

I am SO grateful to this version of myself. For showing up to Naomi’s office. For jumping in head first. I was desperate for any relief. But, like many people who are just starting therapy I was there to learn some coping mechanisms and thought therapy would be temporary and once school was over my stress would go down and I wouldn’t need the extra support anymore. LOL. It’s four years later and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.

Anyway, after I talked for 50 minutes she said thank you for trusting me enough to tell me all of that! and I was like… why wouldn’t I? But I always have been, and always will be an open book. (hence why I talk about my therapy sessions in detail on social media lol) We continued meeting and I started to find patterns in my life that repeated themselves over and over. These patterns were keeping me stuck in a place I didn’t want to be. But, I was so busy with school that I had no idea where I did want to be. So I finished school, and after graduation finally had time to figure out what I did want. Being able to focus on what I wanted allowed me the courage to walk away from what I didn’t. I am still practicing walking away from what I don’t want. It’s never simple or easy. But, I have found that the more I connect to what feels good, supportive, and fun the easier it is to trust that what I do want exists making walking away easier. Over and over I have been practicing letting go and trusting my intuition.

In addition to four years of my own therapy, I have been researching trauma-informed design and nervous system regulation for just as long. In architecture school, I got a scholarship to begin a trauma healing training called Somatic Experiencing (SE). This modality of therapy is what I had been doing in session with Naomi, and that my mom was trained in. I was immersed in body based healing and knew I was in the right place. When I began the training I only intended to complete the first year, and now fast forward I only have one module left to complete. I plan to complete it in February! I’m very excited to finish this journey and be able to share even more skills with my community. This training has shaped the way I see the world and inspired my business. I would not be who I am without this foundational understanding of humans and how we need community and connection.

Somatic Journaling Series- Coming Spring 2024
$99.00 every month for 5 months